Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Office Hours + Progress

What's up y'all!  I know a lot of you are trying to workout with me these days.  First of all, I just want to say that I feel extremely honored and flattered to be you guys' fitness/workout/exercise/gym-go-to person.  I'm very happy to help you and get to know each one of you guys.  Unfortunately, there's only one Blake Sun, not enough to go around for everybody.  Plus, I know you guys are really busy too.  So it's hard to find time to workout together.  Therefore, to help you guys to achieve your fitness goals, I'll personally be holding office hours at the RSF!  Basically, I'll share with you guys my work and my workout schedule, and exactly what I do for my workouts.  If you can make it to one of those times, then GREAT!  If not, you can just follow my workout posted here and do it on your own.  That way, you'll never miss a day of my workout program!

I'm just about to finish my bulking phase.  I'm on my 5th week.  I have one more to go.  Starting next week, I'll start my strength phase, which is the one I'll be posting today and the one you guys will be joining me with.  I'll be doing this phase for about 6 weeks.  After that, I'll start cutting right around Thanksgiving until Christmas.

This is the Blake Sun Strength Workout:

Day 1, Lower Body, Every Monday 4pm
Back Squat
DB Lunges
Calf Raise

Day 2, Upper Body, Every Wednesday, 9:15am
Incline Barbell
Barbell Row
Flat DB Bench
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Shoulder Raise

Day 3, Lower Body, Every Friday, 9am
Front Squat
DB Single Leg Squat
Hamstring Curl

Day 4, Upper Body, Every Saturday, 11am
Weighted Pull-ups
Flat Bench
Seated Row
DB Shoulder Press
Weighted Dips

Everything is 2 sets of 8-10 reps for warm up, and 3 sets of 5 reps work set.

This is my work schedule:
Mondays, 6-9pm
Wednesdays, 3-6pm
Saturdays, 7:45-11am

Come stop by and say hi!  I would love to see all your beautiful faces!

Lastly, I need to post some progress pictures like I promised you guys, because I haven't done them in a year, mainly because I don't like taking shirtless pictures of myself haha.  First of all, I want to make it clear that I'm not posting these progress pictures to show off or stumble some of my fellow Christian sisters.  I'm doing this because I want to show you guys how far I've come and accomplished and encourage you guys that, if I can do it, you guys can do it too!  But if you think that you'll be completely grossed out by my shirtless pictures, then now is the appropriate time for you click the "x" button on your top left corner (if you have a Mac), or top right corner (if you have a PC), and I don't know where the "x" button is for Linux, so just find it yourself.

With all that being said, if someone still say stuff like this is gross, sick, disturbing, or too much to my face, then that person is accomplishing nothing but showing others that he is a complete hater and douche.

So here we go

 June 2011

August 2012, in the morning

August 2012, at night

August 2012, after workout, slightly pumped lol

August 2012, showing some quad definition, my legs weren't pumped though

Lastly, just want to let you guys know that I started my youtube channel in the summer, mostly posting videos about workout and comedies.  Come check it out! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cristiano Ronaldo Workout

To be honest with you, I have no idea what Cristiano Ronaldo does for his workout lol.  I guess he would do tons of soccer drills, interval training combine with weights.  So why the heck did I name this workout after him then?  Because I think by doing this workout, it will get you the physique of Cristiano Ronaldo, which means, explosive speed, strong lower body with a lot of focus on hamstring and glutes aka butt, and a wide lat and shoulder.  In term of upper body strength, having a strong lat is crucial.  Many people didn't realize that we actually use our lats a lot more often than our chest, for example, carrying and lifting stuff and stride your arm when your sprint.  Here's a sample picture of Cristiano Ronaldo, just in case if you don't know who he is haha.

Another thing I would like to point out is that this is a bulking workout, but as long as you go heavy enough for all the pyramid sets of each workout (usually compound lift in the beginning), you will gain strength a lot too.  For example, on my back&leg day in the first week, this is my rep and weight for deadlift:
2x10 135 lbs
work set:
2x10 155lbs
2x8 185 lbs
1x6 205 lbs
Today, I just did my back&leg day and this week is week six, the last week of this workout.  This is what I did today for deadlift:
2x10 135 lbs
work set:
2x10 185 lbs
2x8 225 lbs
1x4 275 lbs
Though that last set of 275 lbs was really hard and painful, I got solid four reps without bouncing the weight or anything.  So I'm definitely pretty satisfied with the progress I made in the past six weeks.
Also another important thing for this workout is that you will have to EAT a lot.  Get plenty of carbs, protein, fiber, and vitamins.  During those heavy lifts, you'll definitely need energy from carbs.  Since I was pretty free in the beginning of the summer, I cook almost everyday, salmon, chicken, steak, asparagus, green bean, brown rice......  So my diet hasn't been quite successful as well.  Session C just started, I'm getting busier, so I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up haha.
Like I said earlier, my buddies and I did this workout for six weeks.  Starting next week, we'll switch into a cutting workout phase.  I'll keep you guys updated with the new workout.  Here's the split for Cristiano Ronaldo Workout:

Day 1, Back and Legs
Deadlift 2x10
work set:
Deadlift 10, 10, 8, 8, 6 (going up weight)
Pull Up 10x10
DB Pull Over 5x10
abs & stretch

Day 2, Chest
DB Bench 2x10
work set:
DB Bench 10, 10, 8, 8, 6(going up weight)
Decline Barbell Bench 5x10
Incline Barbell Bench 5x10
Machine Flyes 4x10
abs & stretch

Day 3, Legs
Squat 2x10
work set:
Squat 10, 10, 8, 8, 6 (going up weight)
Front Squat 5x10
Calf Raise 5x10
abs & stretch

Day 4, Shoulders
Barbell Back Shrug 2x10
work set:
Barbell Back Shrug 4x10
DB Shoulder Press 4x10
DB Shoulder Circuit:
Front Raise, Lateral Raise, Rear Raise, no rest in between, 10 reps for each, 3 sets total
Military Press 4x10
Front Row 4x10
Dips 4x10
abs & stretch

Day 5, Back
Pull Up 2x10
work set:
Weighted Pull Up 10, 10, 5, 5, 2, 2, burnout, burnout
RDL 4x10
T-Bar Row 4x10
Cable Back Row 5x10
abs & stretch

As I promised, I'll make more workout videos for demonstration.  This is Day 5, Back.

Lastly, I would just like to give a shout out to all my friends who has been reading my blog and giving me feedbacks, Johnny, Austin, David, Jerry, and especially Emily, I was so surprised that you were keeping up with all the posts and taking a interest in this.  Thank you guys, love y'all!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weight Loss (for Guys and Girls)

A bunch of my friends requested me to write a blog about weight loss.  So here it is!
When people think of weight loss, the very first thing that comes to their mind is Cardio.  That's actually not entirely true according to what I know.  In term of weight loss, I'm a true believer of a combination of dieting, lifting, and cardio.  Let's start with diet.

When people try to lose weight, they try not to eat ANYTHING and starve themselves to death.  That's actually counterproductive because when you stop eating, your metabolism basically stops.  So it's really important to eat small meals throughout the day.  Those small meals are like triggers or ignition for your engine (stomach) to keep your metabolism going.  It's also important to eat those small meals instead of three big meals so that you will actually be able to burn them instead of storing them up as fat.  The key idea is "Never STARVE yourself and never STUFF yourself".
What you eat is pretty crucial too.  You don't have to cut out your carb intake completely, but make sure not to eat anything about 2 hours prior bedtime and not to eat any carb about 4 hours prior bedtime.  Your body has to finish consuming all the carbs before burning fat for energy.  So if you got a lot of carbs in your body, then those fat won't get burned so easily.  However, I think it's okay for you to eat some complex carbs like brown rice and oatmeal in the morning and noon to sustain your energy.  Take a little less carb each day (especially for dinner), your body will eventually adjust.

Here's a list of stuff you shouldn't eat (* It's okay for you to eat it, but not too much.  ** Try not to eat it, a little is okay.  *** Don't even think about, stay away from it as far as possible)
* Bread, pasta, rice
** Diary (milk, yogurt, cheese...), fruit juice, pastries (bagels, muffins, danish)
*** Soda, ice cream, desert(cookies, cake, brownies), junk food (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's...), candies

Stuff you should eat
Vitamin and fiber: LOTS of vegetables and fruits
Protein: Lean meat like chicken breast and fish, beans, eggs
Carbs: Oatmeal, multi-grain whole wheat bread, brown rice
"Hunger killers": Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews...), potatoes, sweet potatoes
(Despite the fact that nuts have some fat (good burnable fat) and potatoes have a lot of starch, they do save your butt from being so hungry, because they fill you up by suppressing your body from releasing those hormones that makes you hungry)

For weight loss, you really have to crank up your workout's intensity by increase the number of reps, lower the weights and shorten rest time, 3 sets of 15 with 1 min rest between each set for example.  When you do cardio, you are only burning calories while you are doing it.  When you do weights, your metabolism will be sped up for the next couples days because rebuilding your muscle takes a lot of calories too.  That's why I think lifting is a really effective way to lose weight.
Here's a sample workout for weight loss.  This workout actually belongs to my former boss Jsully, who is a NFL retired safety and a professional personal trainer.  Every set in this workout is done by super setting, which means going to the next exercise without any rest.

Warm-up: 10 mins jog
Squat super setting with RDL (Romanian/stiff leg deadlift): 3x15
Bench press super setting with seated row: 3x15
Leg curl super setting with calf raise: 3x15
This workout may seems short and easy for you, but trust me, it's absolutely brutal and burns a lot of fat.  When I tried it, I was dying.

Personally I prefer HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) over long distance endurance cardio.  For a low intensity jog, you really need to run for more than 30 mins to reach the fat burning zone, which I think it's boring, takes a lot of time, and strips away your muscle.  HIIT such as hill sprint (what I do) and circuit training is a great way to tone your whole body and maintain (even stimulate) your muscle growth.  For example, just think of a sprinter versus a marathon runner.  The marathon runner is very slim with a lot of lean (slow twitch) muscle, that is smaller in size and lasts for a longer period of time.  Whereas a sprinter is more muscular and explosive with a lot of fast twitch muscle, that is larger in size and lasts for a short period of time.  Personally, I'd pick the sprinter's body type over the marathon runner's.
A simple HIIT program could be running on a treadmill for 20 mins total, with 1 min sprinting and 1 min slow jogging alternating.  Or you can do hill sprints.  Just spring up a decently steep hill (Dwight hill is my favorite) with about 80% speed and walk down the hill.
For more information, you can refer to this article on
HIIT vs Low Intensity Cardio
Sample HIIT Workout



So this pretty much my weight loss program.  If you like it, give it a shot.  However, I can guarantee you that if you don't do this with absolute dedication and discipline, it will NOT work.  

Lastly, I just want to make it clear that, I know, in today's society and modern culture filled with sex and vanity, it's almost crucial for girl to be slim and sexy, and for a guy to be muscular.  This is not what my blog is about or what I encourage you to do.  If you are overweight (fat), I just want you to know that I'll still be your friend, your parents will still give you money, and God still loves you.  And it's okay for you to not do everything right.  As long as you are doing something, you will see some results.  Please do not make exercising into one of your burdens, because most importantly, I just want you to have fun :D 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter Break Workout Summary

Yo what's going on guys.  I just got back to Berkeley last Sunday after finishing an incredible month full of working out, spending time with family, and pretty much just enjoying the holiday.  Personally, I think breaks are the prime time for getting in shape, because there's no stress, enough time to sleep and rest, great food and large amount of free time available.  So this winter break I tried bodybuilder Jonathan Irizarry's workout.  It was really long, so I had to keep my rest time relatively short to finish it within at most one hour.  Overall, this winter break workout was really successful.  I gained about 5 lbs of solid muscle.

Here's the routine I did this winter break

Monday: Chest

  • Incline bench 4x
  • Incline db press 4x
  • Flat bench 4x
  • Cable crossover 4x

Tuesday: Back

  • Deadlifts 4x
  • Bent over rows 4x
  • T-bar rows 4x
  • Wide grip pull down 4x
  • DB rows 4x

Wednesday: Legs

  • Squats 8x
  • Leg press 6x
  • Lunges 4x
  • Leg exts 4x
  • Leg curls 4x
  • Stiff leg dead’s 4x

Friday: Shoulders

  • DB military press 6x
  • DB side laterals 6x
  • Smith-machine press/ DB Rear delt fly 4x
  • Reverse pec fly for r delts 4x
  • Cable side laterals/front raises 4x

Saturday: Arms

  • Barbell curls/skull crushers 4x
  • DB curls/standing DB extensions 4x
  • Preacher curls/rope exts 4x
  • Hammer curls/reverse grip exts 4x

new Adidas Techfit shirt 

and some of the typical meals I ate over the break

Progress picture ... I guess, currently weighing about 177 lbs

and a short workout video I made when I visited my buddy at NYU

pretty awesome break workout huh?