I'm just about to finish my bulking phase. I'm on my 5th week. I have one more to go. Starting next week, I'll start my strength phase, which is the one I'll be posting today and the one you guys will be joining me with. I'll be doing this phase for about 6 weeks. After that, I'll start cutting right around Thanksgiving until Christmas.
This is the Blake Sun Strength Workout:
Day 1, Lower Body, Every Monday 4pm
Back Squat
DB Lunges
Calf Raise
Day 2, Upper Body, Every Wednesday, 9:15am
Incline Barbell
Barbell Row
Flat DB Bench
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Shoulder Raise
Day 3, Lower Body, Every Friday, 9am
Front Squat
DB Single Leg Squat
Hamstring Curl
Day 4, Upper Body, Every Saturday, 11am
Weighted Pull-ups
Flat Bench
Seated Row
DB Shoulder Press
Weighted Dips
Everything is 2 sets of 8-10 reps for warm up, and 3 sets of 5 reps work set.
This is my work schedule:
Mondays, 6-9pm
Wednesdays, 3-6pm
Saturdays, 7:45-11am
Come stop by and say hi! I would love to see all your beautiful faces!
Lastly, I need to post some progress pictures like I promised you guys, because I haven't done them in a year, mainly because I don't like taking shirtless pictures of myself haha. First of all, I want to make it clear that I'm not posting these progress pictures to show off or stumble some of my fellow Christian sisters. I'm doing this because I want to show you guys how far I've come and accomplished and encourage you guys that, if I can do it, you guys can do it too! But if you think that you'll be completely grossed out by my shirtless pictures, then now is the appropriate time for you click the "x" button on your top left corner (if you have a Mac), or top right corner (if you have a PC), and I don't know where the "x" button is for Linux, so just find it yourself.
With all that being said, if someone still say stuff like this is gross, sick, disturbing, or too much to my face, then that person is accomplishing nothing but showing others that he is a complete hater and douche.
So here we go
June 2011
August 2012, in the morning
August 2012, at night
August 2012, after workout, slightly pumped lol
August 2012, showing some quad definition, my legs weren't pumped though
Lastly, just want to let you guys know that I started my youtube channel in the summer, mostly posting videos about workout and comedies. Come check it out!