Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter Break Workout Summary

Yo what's going on guys.  I just got back to Berkeley last Sunday after finishing an incredible month full of working out, spending time with family, and pretty much just enjoying the holiday.  Personally, I think breaks are the prime time for getting in shape, because there's no stress, enough time to sleep and rest, great food and large amount of free time available.  So this winter break I tried bodybuilder Jonathan Irizarry's workout.  It was really long, so I had to keep my rest time relatively short to finish it within at most one hour.  Overall, this winter break workout was really successful.  I gained about 5 lbs of solid muscle.

Here's the routine I did this winter break

Monday: Chest

  • Incline bench 4x
  • Incline db press 4x
  • Flat bench 4x
  • Cable crossover 4x

Tuesday: Back

  • Deadlifts 4x
  • Bent over rows 4x
  • T-bar rows 4x
  • Wide grip pull down 4x
  • DB rows 4x

Wednesday: Legs

  • Squats 8x
  • Leg press 6x
  • Lunges 4x
  • Leg exts 4x
  • Leg curls 4x
  • Stiff leg dead’s 4x

Friday: Shoulders

  • DB military press 6x
  • DB side laterals 6x
  • Smith-machine press/ DB Rear delt fly 4x
  • Reverse pec fly for r delts 4x
  • Cable side laterals/front raises 4x

Saturday: Arms

  • Barbell curls/skull crushers 4x
  • DB curls/standing DB extensions 4x
  • Preacher curls/rope exts 4x
  • Hammer curls/reverse grip exts 4x

new Adidas Techfit shirt 

and some of the typical meals I ate over the break

Progress picture ... I guess, currently weighing about 177 lbs

and a short workout video I made when I visited my buddy at NYU

pretty awesome break workout huh?